
Nilai Multikultural dalam Novel Yogyakarta, New York, Samawi, dan Sejuta Doa Untuk Gus Dur Karya Damien Dematra

Oleh :
Wawan Hermawan - T841608009 - Fak. KIP

Multicultural values ??are the main thing in realizing harmony between people in the life of a diverse society. This study aims to: 1) describe and explain the social ideology, socio-cultural background, and social position of the author; 2) describe and explain the multicultural values ??contained in the novels Yogyakarta, New York, Samawi, and Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur by Damien Dematra; 3) describe and explain the readers' responses to the novels Yogyakarta, New York, Samawi, and Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur by Damien Dematra; 4) describe and explain the integration of multicultural values ??in Indonesian language learning in high school.

The form of this research is a qualitative research using the sociological perspective of literature. Data collection techniques in this study used document analysis and interviews. The data validation in this study used theory and source triangulation. The data analysis technique used content analysis techniques.

The results showed that: 1) Damien Dematra's social ideology is a humanist person who cares about the problems of humanity and peace. Damien's thoughts and actions towards world peace and humanity are the embodiment of Damien's humanist social ideology. Damien's socio-cultural background shows that Damien is a multidisciplinary artist with a variety of skills. Damien's work has made a major contribution to humanity. Damien's social position in society is related to Damien's humanist ideology. One of the activities carried out by Damien in the community includes establishing and also as the national coordinator of the Pluralism Concern Movement. The Caring Movement is a form of upholding multcultural values. 2) The multicultural values ??found in the novels (Yogyakarta, New York, Samawi, and Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur) are the value of appreciation for the reality of cultural plurality in society, recognition of human dignity and human rights, development of human responsibility to the world community, and development of human rights. human responsibility to planet earth. Of the four novels (Yogyakarta, New York, Samawi, and Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur) studied, it shows that the novel Sejuta Doa untuk Gus Dur is a novel that is dominantly found to have multicultural values, besides that the dominant multicultural value is found in the value of recognizing human dignity and rights.3) The response of students, lecturers and writers shows that the novel that the researcher is studying depicts multicultural values ??through character characters in dialogue and storytelling of characters in the novel. 4) The integration of multicultural values ??in Indonesian language learning is applied in basic competencies 3.3 and 4.3, namely identifying the values ??of historical stories (novels), and recording the structure (orientation, series of interrelated events, complications, and orientations) values, things that interesting in the story (novel) history. The multicultural values ??that are integrated into these basic competencies are the value of tolerance and the recognition of human rights.