
Making Tourism Articles and Translating Regulation Board to Improve The Quality of Tourism Promotion in Wonogiri

Oleh :
Flavio Devinda Prasetyo - B3118012 - Sekolah Vokasi

This internship report is written based on the internship program at Karst Museum as one of tourism destinations in Wonogiri since January 11, 2021, to March 11, 2021. The objective of the internship is to upgrade the quality of tourism promotion in Wonogiri by making some English articles about Wonogiri’s tourism attractions and translating regulation board of Putri Kencono Cave into English. There were several processes to make the articles. They are collecting information, writing the articles in Indonesian, translating the article, and uploading the article on the official Facebook account of Tourism Department of Wonogiri. There were three stages of translating the regulation board. The stages were analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. There were some problems appear while doing the internship projects. The problems faced while making articles were choosing proper words, writing style and translating foreign term in target text. The problem faced while translating the regulation board were writing style and how to make it acceptable and proper for foreign tourists. I got some strategies to solve those problems. The solutions to overcome the problems of making articles were by doing a research on the internet about how to make an interesting tourism article and utilizing the dictionaries. The solutions to solve the problems of translating regulation board was doing a research on the internet about examples of regulation board that is proper for foreign tourists