
Pengaruh Jenis Media dan Cara Sterilisasi Terhadappertumbuhan Tunas Porang (Amorphophallus Muelleri) secara Invitro

Oleh :
Afifah Wahyuning Ramadhany - H0718005 - Fak. Pertanian

Porang contains high levels of glucomannan needed health, food, industry, and cosmetics. Porang propagation is generally through conventional bulbs and bulbil, but has obstacles germination rate and need more time to germinate. This study aimed to determine identifying the best sterilization method for in vitro porang propagation is essential. The research was carried out from August-February 2022 at Laboratory of Physiology and Tissue Culture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. This research used descriptive analysis a combination of treatment between plant media and sterilization. Types of media used sterile cotton media and sterile sand media, then of sterilization consists of 4 types, namely without sterilization, 1 minute, 2 minutes, and 3 minutes. There were eight treatment combinations with three replications, so there were 24 experimental units. Observed parameters were the day of shoots emergence, the number of shoots, the colour of shoots, percentage of contamination, growth and development of explant. Data were analyzed used descriptive analysis and the average approach. The results showed that the treatment of plant media affects the growth of porang shoots. The best treatment combination was found in sterile cotton media with 1-minute sterilization, which showed a contamination level of 3%, the number of shoots was 8, the average day of shoots appeared at 7 DAP, and reddish-green shoots color.