
The efforts of customer service division of PDAM Surakarta in giving services to customers

Oleh :
Riana Hayu Wijayanti - C9305142 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. As Drinking Water Company which distributes clean water, PDAM Surakarta absolutely tries to give the best services for customer. PDAM Surakarta also has several efforts in giving best services. To handle those efforts, PDAM Surakarta places Customer Service Division as one of its division. The basis of the observation done during the job training, this final project explains the kinds of services and the efforts of Customer Service division in PDAM Surakarta. To get the data, the writer held on observation in PDAM Surakarta as a trainee of Customer Service division for a month and interviewed the staffs of PDAM Surakarta. This final project has been completed through several methods, which are: collecting the data, analyzing the data, and drawing the conclusion. Through the observation, it can be seen that there are many kinds of services provided to customers. The services are new installing, providing hotline service, meter substitution, meter-closing, meter-shifting and customer’s change of status. Besides, PDAM Surakarta has several efforts related to external and internal publics also show the strengths and the weaknesses of PDAM Surakarta. In the last part of the final project, the writer concludes that all the services and the efforts done by Customer Service division gave a big influence for the existence of PDAM Surakarta itself. Some suggestions, namely: PDAM should make a reform on its working hours, maintaining the service quality in order to achieve customer’s satisfaction, giving a clear sanction for any customer who commits fraud, giving a reward for those who have a good dedication, holding training and coaching to all of officers, providing more facilities of ready-to-drink water service, are given to PDAM Surakarta in order to improve the working system of the company related with the efforts in giving best services for customers.