The strategies of public relations division of Krakatau Steel Pty. Ltd
Oleh :
Dina Meganingtyas - C9305028 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2008. This final project describes about the strategies of Public Relations Division of Krakatau Steel Pty. Ltd in building and maintaining good relations with its public. The objectives of this report are to describe the effort of Public Relations Division of Krakatau Steel Pty. Ltd in creating good relations with its public and to high light the practical job description and the functions of Public Relations Officers in Krakatau Steel Pty. Ltd.
To make this final project report, I use several methods. The methods are collecting, analyzing and concluding the data. The data of the report were gained through joining and observing the public relations activities and interviewing the public relations officers.
This study finds that the officers have its job description to support the professional activities. The functions of the division are back up management, bridge of the company and its public, communicator and good corporate image maker. The public relations officers have the current and future image building programs.
The result implicates that The Public Relations Division of Krakatau Steel Pty. Ltd is organized. Before doing its job, the public relations officers make working instructions that explain the working scope. The officers have organized working target in building and maintaining good relations with its public. In the end of this final project report I give a suggestion to the Public Relations Division to improve its professional activities. The public relations division should concern the human resource of the staff.