Increasing vocabulary by using pictures for the first grade students of SD Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta
Oleh :
Faiz Mabruri - C9305038 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2008. This final project report is written based on the job training activities that had been done by the writer as an English teacher in SD Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta. This final project report discusses about the use of pictures in teaching English vocabulary, the effectiveness of using pictures in increasing the student’s English vocabulary, and the difficulties and the solutions in teaching English vocabulary for the first grade students of SD Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta.
The process of teaching and learning English vocabulary for the first grade students of SD Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta consists of four steps based on the lesson plan that was made by the writer before. They are: Warming Up (Brainstorming), Presentation (Explanation), Skill Practice, and Assessments.
The suggestion is dedicated to the institution, and the English teachers of SD Ta’mirul Islam Surakarta. They are suggested to provide some facilities that can be used in teaching and learning process, and apply some interesting method for the students. For the students of English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University, are suggested to make a lesson plan before giving the material to the students. It is used to make the process of teaching and learning more organized and easier to do.