
The practice of teaching english for the 3rd grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Ketelan Surakarta

Oleh :
Ika Murtini - C9305121 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This final project is based on the job training, which has been done by the writer on January 21, 2008 at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Ketelan Surakarta. The aims are to know and to understand the practice of teaching English at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Ketelan Surakarta including the problems of teaching and learning English in both the students and the teacher and to find out the solution of those problems. The writer collects and analyzes the data by observing the third grade classes. In teaching English, the writer uses some procedures. They cover greeting, introducing the materials, explaining the materials, doing exercises, and ending the lesson. The writer checks the students’ progress by doing exercise on ACTIVE ENGLISH A Fun and Easy English Book provided by the school. The writer also creates games in order to make students more active in teaching and learning English. There are some problems related to the students and the teacher. The problems of the students are memorizing the English words, spelling, pronouncing, and writing English. Meanwhile, the teacher’s problems are big classes, uncooperative students and difficulties in handling the students. The writer also presents the solutions to solve the problem. It is necessary to pay more attention in teaching English in the elementary school, because children have great ability to learn new language.