
Islām feminist in America: a case study of historic Jumu`ah

Oleh :
Nurul Huda - C0300008 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This thesis explores the American experiences addressing Islām feminist movement. The research is studying a case of Historic Jumu`ah or a Friday prayer led by a woman in mix gender congregants. This first Muslim woman on record to lead mixed-gender prayer happened on Friday, March 18th 2005, at Episcopal Church. It is a synod house in 1047 Amsterdam Ave, North East corner of 110th Street, Upper Manhattan. The research questions are: 1) How does Historic Jumu`ah deviate from mainstream Islām? 2) How does Historic Jumu`ah represent feminist movement in America? This thesis uses uṣūl al-fiqh and feminism as approach to answer those research questions. Nevin Reda in her article entitled ‘What would the Prophet Do? The Islamic Basis for Female-Led Prayer’ argues the religious validity of female Imám in a mixed-gender Friday prayer. She uses a hadith that was reported by Imam Ahmad, Abú Dàúd, on the authority of Umm Waraqah as hujjah of women are permitted to lead a Friday prayer. Some scholars of Hadith regard the chain of reporters of this Hadith is weak thus this hadith could not be used as hujjah. Moreover Ibn Qudamah says that since women are not permitted to call the Adhan for Prayer for men; they are also not allowed to lead them in Prayer. The conclusions of this research are: 1. It is found that there are three major deviation of Historic Jumu`ah. They are: a woman acts as Imám, a woman delivers Jumu`ah khutbah, and ikhtilath. 2. Historic Jumu`ah represents feminist movement in America by presenting feminism spirits such as a woman should have the same treatment as a man. Moreover historic Jumu`ah is a manifestation of Islāmic feminism in getting listened by world and it is “the resurrection of Islām feminist” in America. The event of historic Jumu`ah is about Muslim women reclaiming their rightful place in Islām.