
The SWOT analisys of the tourist information center (TIC) in tourism, art, and culture department of Surakarta

Oleh :
Wiwin Fitriyani - C9305086 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This final project report has purposes to describe the activities of the TIC staff and to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threaths of TIC in Tourism, Art, and Culture Department of Surakarta. The data of this final project report were obtained through observation, interview, and literature study. The observation was done at TIC desk to know the way of TIC staff worked, the interview was done to the TIC staff and marketing department staffs. In addition, the literature study was focussed on to study documents such as tourism literature and Public Relations literature. The results implicate that TIC of Tourism, Art, and Culture Department of Surakarta has duties to provide good services to the tourists both local and foreign. However, TIC is a division under marketing department which has roles similar to Public Relations department. TIC is lack of facilities which can support its activities, however it has a capable staff.