
The job description of room boy and its problems in Sahid Jaya Solo

Oleh :
Berly Febrianto - C9304013 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. This report is based on the job training evaluation that is conducted at Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. It is located at Gajah Mada Street 82 Solo. It is one of business area in Solo. The objectives of this report are to describe the work sequence of Room Boy and to describe the problems faced by the Room Boy. The report explain the four main sequence work of Room Boy that are; Reparation, The first checking, Entering the guest room, Step by step procedures to clean up the room. Also the three main problems of Room Boy that are; The limited of towel, The unable of Room Boy to handle the make up room, The last, The lack of chemical and equipment. The writer also gives solution from the problems faced by the Room boy, that are: Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo has to add the additional towel, Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo should add the member of Room boy to handle the rooms in the high season, the last add chemical and equipment to support the Room boy.