Airport emergency plan (AEP) in Adisumarmo International Airport
Oleh :
Galih Novianto - C9304111 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2008. Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) in Adisumarmo International Airport. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.
The Final Project is focused on mechanism of Airport Emergency Plan and explains incident classification system in Adisumarmo International Airports. As one of the International Airport in Indonesia, Adisumrmo should have Airport Emergency Plan to handle an accident and incidents occurring at the Airport.
Airport Emergency Plan is the process of preparing an Airport to cope with an emergency occurring at the Airport or in its vicinity. The object of Airport Emergency plan is to minimize the effects of emergency, particularly in respect to saving lives and maintaining aircraft operations. The final project explains the incident classification in Adisumarmo International Airport, which is divided into Local Emergency, Full Emergency, and Crash Accident. Each of level has different mechanism of response from Airport Emergency Plan. Local Standby happened when an aircraft has some defect but it does not affect the normal landing. The mechanisms Airport Emergency Plan for Local Standby are call the rescue and fire fighting teams done by Air Traffic Services after received the signal from the pilot. The rescue and fire fighting teams should be ready on outside the runway. The Full Emergency happened when aircraft have some defect and there is possibility of an accident and endangered the passenger. The mechanisms of Airport Emergency Plan for this level are Air Traffic service in the Tower control call Rescue and fire fighting teams for full emergency. Then rescue and fire fighting teams should be ready on the runway not exceeding one minute based on response time. Then, the Crash Accident happened when aircraft had an accident at the airport or near of it. The mechanisms of this level are Air Traffic Services call the rescue and fire fighting
Finally, it is concluded that incident classification system and the mechanism of Airport Emergency Plan applied in Adisumarmo International Airport based on standard regulation from International Civil Aviation Organization. Some suggestions are given to the Adisumarmo International Airport to improve the skill of Air Traffic Control staffs in operating Communication and alerting system.