
The services of apron movement control (AMC) subdivision in Adisumarmo international airport as an effort to create good image

Oleh :
Lina Wahyuningsih - C9305091 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT 2008. The purposes of this final project report are to describe the services and to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of Apron Movement Control Subdivision in Adisumarmo International Airport. The data of the research were collected through observation, interview, and literature study. The observation was done during the job training in the Apron Movement Control Subdivision office. The interview was done with the staffs of Apron Movement Control Subdivision. The literature study was focused on the hand book published by International Civil Aviation Organization entitled ANNEX. The findings demonstrate that the services of Apron Movement Control Subdivision are parking stand allocation service, marshalling service, apron and taxiway checking service, apron monitoring service, unscheduled aircraft handling service, divert aircraft handling service, and human remain handling service. The findings also demonstrate that the strengths of Apron Movement Control Subdivision are the staffs of AMC Subdivision who have fulfilled the five dimensions of good quality service (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) and the facilities which are well equipped to support the activities such as telephone, handy talky, flash light, computer, etc. However, the weaknesses of AMC Subdivision in Adisumarmo International Airport are the bad behavior of the AMC staff and the small office room. It proposes that the AMC Subdivision of Adisumarmo International Airport should leave their bad behaviors. They are not allowed to smoke inside the room. In addition, the AMC Subdivision of Adisumarmo International Airport should ask the management of Adisumarmo International Airport to give a larger office room.