
Seleksi Mutan Batang Pendek Padi Varietas Mentik Wangi Generasi M4 Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma 200 Gray

Oleh :
Cahyanti Indah Romadhoni - H0718042 - Fak. Pertanian

Mentik Wangi is a local variety that has oval-shaped grains with yellow grains, but it has weaknesses, namely a long harvest age and relatively high stems, so that rice is easy to fall off. Efforts to improve the nature of Mentik Wangi are carried out by plant breeding with mutation techniques by utilizing gamma ray irradiation. This study aims to (1)  study the performance of Mentik Wangi M4 rice as a result of 200 gray gamma ray irradiation dan (2) selecting M4 Mentik Wangi rice to get M5 short trunk, short life and high productivity.  This research was conducted from March to July 2021. At experimental Rice Fields in Palur Village, Mojolaban District, Sukoharjo Regency. The method used was Completely Randomized Block Design without treatment by planting 24 M3 line codes resulting from 200 Gray gamma ray irradiation and control plants. Observational data were analyzed descriptively, followed by using the T-test then select superior traits. The results showed that there were differences in each observation variable of M4 generation Mentik Wangi rice irradiated by gamma rays 200 Gray with control plants. The results Showed that 26 individual mutant plants with the criteria of short stems, short life, and high yields, it is lines M4-200-G59-18-43 (16) (7) (9), M4-200-G147-2-55 (1) (8), M4-200-G59-3-30 ( 12) (3) (5) (7) (8), M4-200-G147-10-45 (2) (23) (7), M4-200-G59-18-1 (21) (2) ( 13), M4- 200-G107-17-60 (23) (3), M4-200-G10-3-19 (28) (4), M4-200-G147-2-48 (19) (5) , M4- 200-G147-10-76 (14) (5), M4-200-G29-11-98 (4) (15).