Vocabulary knowledge is essential in learning a foreign language. The same language subtitled videos can improve their knowledge inside and outside the classroom. The present study is set out to explore the vocabulary knowledge reported by Indonesian EFL adult learners while watching the same language subtitled videos. Moreover, it also investigates the effects of the same language subtitled videos on the Indonesian EFL adult learners’ four degrees of vocabulary knowledge. Narrative inquiry research has been carried out to determine the effects of the subtitled video through the participant’s story and experiences. Four Indonesian EFL adult learners in this study were experienced in using the same language subtitled video to learn English vocabulary. The findings exposed that the four degrees of vocabulary knowledge based on Laufer & Goldstein (2004) were shown while watching subtitled videos. Although the meaning aspects are not as noticeable as the form aspects, they were visible based on the participants’ stories. The subtitled videos that the participants watched also affected their vocabulary knowledge. Form aspects were directly affected since it deals with the ability to recognize and write down the L2 word. The meaning aspects were also affected, although it was not straight. It is because meaning aspects are associated with L1 words and do not appear during the activity. Accordingly, this study suggests that the activity of watching subtitled videos be integrated into the classroom so that the learners will have more exposure to learning English word form and meaning.