
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Posyandu Balita

Oleh :
Inggrit Novitasari - M3119049 - Sekolah Vokasi

Posyandu is a means to facilitate the community in obtaining maternal and child health services. Posyandu also has an important role in society, especially for maternal health and child development to reduce the risk of child disease and death of minors. Many posyandu data processing is still manual so that information and data processing at posyandu experience problems in terms of data accuracy, effectiveness and delays in making reports on the results of posyandu activities.
The application development phase includes analysis, system design, implementation and testing. The design is implemented into a Web-Based Posyandu Management Information System with PHP programming language, Laravel Framework and MySQL database. Testing this system is done with black box text. From the problems above, it can be concluded that it is necessary to apply technology that can assist in data management for children's posyandu. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement an information system called the Children Posyandu Management Information System. This Web-Based Child Posyandu Management Information System is expected to provide convenience in the form of data management for children's Posyandu. Functional testing of the system carried out by the black box method has been successful.