

Classroom Interaction: An Exploration of Teacher Talk in the EFL Classroom of an Islamic Boarding School

Oleh :
Arik Kurniadi Harjanto - S891808006 - Fak. KIP

This research was conducted to investigate the types of teacher talk and their meanings in dealing the diverse student. This research aimed to explore several fundamental aspects that occurred in EFL classrooms they are 1) the types of teacher talk, 2) the most dominant and the least performed teacher talk type, 3) the contribution of teacher talk in supporting EFL learning, and 4) the contribution of teacher talk to support native-like students in autonomous learning.
This research was a case study, with participants of three English teachers and several senior high school students from different levels of an Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. The data had been collected through classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires. In examining the utterances uttered by all teachers, video recordings had been utilized throughout the learning process. The result of the video transcription was then analyzed using Moskowitz's (1971) FLINT system to categorize the type of teacher talk. The result was then cross-checked with the interview and the questionnaire to support the validity of the data. 
The result of the study showed that the teachers performed almost all types of teacher talk during the teaching and learning process. The most type uttered was asking questions and the least type was making jokes. Teachers also supported the students who transferred from environments where English was the first or second language through the utterances they performed during the lesson. Teacher talk participated in building the native-like student’s learning awareness to keep these students communicating actively using the target language to anticipate the decline in their language skills. Teacher talk also contributed positively to activating the native-like students as one of the learning sources that other boarding school students can access more frequently than the teachers. 
The results’ implication of the study could be used as a reflection for teachers who are dealing with similar circumstances to increase student engagement which led to the development of the student’s participation in the learning process.