

Oleh :
Arrizalu Arsa R. - K2217015 - Fak. KIP

Despite PBL and online learning having both been extensively studied individually, investigation of PBL within online learning context is infrequent. This current case study addresses the gap and focuses on the preservice teachers’ perception on the implementation of online PBL, and how the PBL is implemented in the online learning context. The participants were 36 seventh-grade preservice teachers (PTs) enrolled in a Translation course at the English Education Department of a University in Surakarta, Indonesia. The data were collected through classroom observations, online questionnaires, and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed using the interactive model and the results of the analysis show that PTs consider online PBL as a challenging yet fun learning method. The study also revealed that the stages of online PBL is more or less the same as those in the conventional PBL. However, there is a slight difference in the grouping due to the nature of the online PBL. Furthermore, this study implies that due to the challenging yet fun learning, the communication process should be more open to minimize the lack of communication. The lecturer’s guidance should also be detailed to make the instruction clearer. Moreover, it was shown that PBL was highly applicable albeit it was done in the difference context (conventional and online).