

Oleh :
Nadia Aulia - D0318043 - Fak. ISIP

PT. Indaco Warna Dunia is one of the companies that take part in the Corporate Social Responsibility program. The company always carries out CSR activities to support the vision and mission of providing benefits to the community and the environment. This community development program was implemented in Dusun Kranagkidul, Pulosari Village, which is the ring 1 area of the company. The purpose of this study was to determine the empowerment strategy of PT. Indaco Warna Dunia in implementing corporate social responsibility and to find out the implementation of social capital-based community empowerment programs in Dusun Karangkidul. This study was designed using a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach and the use of data collection techniques in this study were technical observations, interviews, and literature studies. The sampling technique used by the researcher was the purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique in this study uses an interactive analysis model, there are three stages in analyzing the data. These stages include data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display), as well as conclusion drawing and verification (conclusion drawing or verification), as well as data validation techniques using Source Triangulation. Where in reviewing the research, the researcher uses the theory of social capital presented by Robert Putnam to determine the social capital in each program. The implementation of each program correlates with the three elements of social capital which include trust, norms, and networks. According to the results of this study, the strategy used by PT. Indaco Warna Dunia is carrying out its Social Responsibility by establishing a Foundation named the Harmoni Warna Dunia Foundation, where several programs are formed including the Harmoni Park, Organic Green House, Waste Pallet Management, and Waste Bank. The results of this study indicate that the Harmoni Foundation's strategy has never happened because some of the programs produced often experience obstacles and end experiences. So that the Harmoni Foundation's goal of creating a sustainable community empowerment program has not yet been realized. During the implementation of the community empowerment program during its operation, it also encountered several obstacles that caused the stop or inactivity of these programs. With unresolved obstacles, programs that previously had a positive impact on the community can no longer be felt.