
The Implementation of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Emergency Remote Teaching to Teach Academic Listening

Oleh :
Dwi Ari Wahyu N H - K2215016 - Fak. KIP


The objectives of the research are: (1) to find out the lecturer’s perspective
towards using Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to teach listening; (2) to find
out the implementation Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to teach listening; (3)
to find out what problems the lecturer faces in implementing Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning to teach listening; and (4) to find out the lecturer’s solutions.
This research was classified as qualitative research and conducted at Listening
Class of English Education Department at one of the state universities. It was
carried out from January 2020 to June 2021. The subject of the research was the
students of Academic Listening Class. The samples are 21 students. The techniques
of collecting data were observation, interview, and documentations. The technique
of analyzing data used interactive model: collecting the data, reducing the data,
displaying the data, and drawing the conclusion. The research findings are: (1) The
lecturer has positive perception toward the implementation of Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning to teach listening. (2) The implementation of Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning to teach listening skill employs three applications: Genius
TOEFL Pro, Google Meet, and Schoology. The combination of using the three
applications in teaching listening skill encourages the students to improve their
listening skill in interesting way. The students feel motivated since the learning
process is well monitored and engages students’ activeness. (3) The problems that
the lecturer faces in implementing Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to teach
listening are the compatibility of the device, internet connection, and controlling
the learning process. (4) The lecturer’s solutions toward the problems are
suggesting using another device or using additional device to make the recording
clearer, preparing to find a good-signaled place before virtual meeting, and using
controlling application to keep the students on the track of learning. In sum up, the
implementation of MALL to teach listening in emergency remote teaching shows
positive value.