
The Transference of Meaning in the Film Knives Out: A Figurative Language Translation Evaluation

Oleh :
Diannisa Rahma Kuncoro - B0317014 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Khrisna, S.S., M.Hum
This study examines the English figurative language and its Indonesian translation in the movie Knives Out. This study aims to provide an explanation of one of the figurative language classifications proposed by Leech (1969) called Transference of Meaning (Synecdoche, Metaphor, Metonymy, Simile, Symbol, and Allegory), to investigate the translation techniques, and to assess the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability.
This study employed a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data were the transference of meaning and its translation found in the movie Knives Out. Two groups of informants were involved to assess the quality of the translation. The first group consists of three raters who have the ability in translation to assess the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability. Likewise, and the second group consists of three target readers to assess the quality of the translation in terms of readability. Furthermore, the researcher applied the theory proposed by Teilanyo (2007) to analyze the techniques used by the translator in translating the transference of meaning
The results of this study show that there are 87 Transference of Meaning found in the movie comprising Metaphor (67,81%), Metonymy (21,83%), Simile (6,89%), and Synecdoche (3,44%). The findings demonstrate that the translator employs four techniques: defiguration (50,57 %), literal refiguration (47,12%), alter-refiguration type I (1,14%), and alter-refiguration type II (1,14 %). The average score representing the quality of the translation is 2.82 given the final results. This score indicates that the translator successfully translated the transference of meaning in the movie Knives Out.

Keywords: Movies, Figurative language, Translation Technique, Translation Quality Assessment, Knives Out