
Hashtag #dragqueenUSA: The Extended Meaning of Beauty through Digital Activism

Oleh :
Deici Angelia Nursy - B0318010 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The aim of this thesis is to identity how #dragqueenUSA challenge the concept of beauty and how the hashtag offer the plurality of beauty. Focusing on the 15 self-images posted in the hashtag, by using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes, this study discusses the images consisting of makeup, costumes, and additional ornaments look and takes into account the theory of myth of beauty and performativity act. As a result, the Instagram hashtag #dragqueenUSA offers a new concept of beauty where it's no longer depicting the feminine concept of beauty. Instead, the new concept leads to the conception of posthumanism. Thus, the meaning of beauty has extended not only in the relation to feminine beauty. Moreover, the plurality of beauty is offered by the drag performers as a result of the fluidity of beauty and the significant transformation of makeup and the gaze between body and creativity presented through the hashtag.