
Translating “Indonesian Healthy Regency/City Summit 2022” Event Guide from Indonesian into English at Semarang City Government

Oleh :
Shaffira Naulia Rifani - B3119033 - Sekolah Vokasi

Shaffira Naulia Rifani, 2022, Translating “Indonesian Healthy Regency/City Summit 2022” Event Guide from Indonesian into English at Semarang City Government, English Diploma Program, Vocational School of Universitas Sebelas Maret. This final report was written based on my internship at the Regional Autonomy & Cooperation Section of the Semarang City Government Subdivision of Foreign Cooperation, which started from February 28, 2022 to April 22, 2022. The main purpose of this final report is to describe the activities during the internship. Internship activities are divided into two activities, namely main activities and additional activities. The main activity is translating “Indonesian Healthy Regency/City Summit 2022” Event Guide, while the additional activities are helping foreign cooperation subdivision during the “Indonesian Healthy Regency/City Summit 2022” event held at the Patra Hotel, Semarang on 27 March-30 March 2022, met with foreign ambassadors, and attend a meeting attended by the head of the Foreign Cooperation subdivision. There were several obstacles that I encountered during the translation activities. They are problems related to cultural terms, and word choice. The process of translating the Event Guide "Indonesian Healthy Regency/City Summit 2022" used the translation method proposed by Nida & Taber, (1) analyzing, (2) transferring, and (3) restructuring, and I used Molina & Albir translation strategies to solve the problems in translation process.