
Creating Indonesian and English Descriptions of the Jacket Vinyl Album at Lokananta Records, Surakarta

Oleh :
Putri Febriyanti - B3119030 - Sekolah Vokasi

Putri Febriyanti, 2022, Creating Indonesian and English Descriptions of the Jacket Vinyl Album at Lokananta Records, Surakarta, English Diploma Program, Vocational School of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

This final report explains the entire activities during the internship program at Lokananta Records for two months. The internship program aims to enhance the translation skills of the student of the English Diploma Program at Lokananta Records, Surakarta. The internship focuses on two projects and an additional activity. The primary project includes creating Indonesian and English descriptions of the jacket vinyl album. The secondary project is translating infographics, translating interviews by email, making bilingual captions of the museum's collections, and translating a book from English to Indonesian. The additional activity is experiencing the production duties. The process of the internship is carried out by deciding the internship site, preparing the internship proposal, selecting an object to be the internship report, working on the main object, discussing the assignment result with the internship institution supervisor, and creating the internship report. The translation process is used to do the primary and secondary project by using the translation method initiated by Nida & Taber, there are three steps to translate the text: (1) analyzing, (2) transferring, and (3) restructuring. In addition, the translation strategies by Newmark namely, transference and borrowing & particularization strategies by Molina and Albir are used to solve the obstacle of translating.