
An Analysis of Students' Instrumental Motivation and Participation in Studying English During Online Learning: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Gemolong.

Oleh :
Ariani Mei Yulianti - K2217013 - Fak. KIP

ARIANI MEI YULIANTI. “An Analysis of Students’ Instrumental Motivation and Participation in Studying English During Online Learning: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Gemolong”. A Thesis. Surakarta. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. 2022. There are two primary aims of this study: (1) To explore the students’ instrumental motivation in studying English during online learning; (2) To explore the students’ perception of their instrumental motivation toward their participation in studying English during online learning. The research design is a qualitative case study. The participants are 25 students and 1 English language teacher. The data is collected by distributing questionnaires to the students and interviewing both the students and the teacher. There are four aspects of instrumental motivation investigated in this study which are goal-autonomy instrumental, means-autonomy instrumental, goal heteronomy instrumental, and means-heteronomy instrumental. While in students’ participation, there are five forms of participation which are participation in taking the lesson, asking question, answering question, stating opinion, and doing assignment. The result of the study showed that in the aspect of instrumental motivation, the male students have a higher total mean score than female students. The total mean score of male students is 2.73 and their goal of learning English is for preparing themselves for their future careers, while the totalmean score of female students is 2.64 and their goal of learning English is for academic achievement. However, in participation, the data showed that female students are more active than male students. The total mean score of male students is 2.80 while female students is 2.90. Based on the data from the interview, it revealed that the male students less participated in the learning process because they feel bored with the learning activity. The result implies that teachers need to design interesting learning activities to motivate the students to learn and enjoy the learning process so that it increases their participation in learning.