Ruang Lingkup: Asuhan kebidanan terintegrasi dimulai dari masa kehamilan, bersalin, nifas, bayi baru lahir, hingga keluarga berencana (KB) sesuai dengan standar asuhan kebidanan dalam upaya untuk menjamin kesejahteraan ibu dan bayi serta deteksi dini komplikasi penyulit di masa pandemi Covid-19.
Pelaksanaan: Asuhan kebidanan terintegrasi Ny. S meliputi kunjungan hamil normal, bersalin dengan sectio caesarea atas indikasi oligohidramnion, nifas normal, bayi baru lahir normal, serta memberikan konseling tentang pemilihan metode KB implan untuk ibu menyusui. Selama penatalaksaan dilakukan dengan tetap menaati protokol kesehatan Covid-19.
Evaluasi: Asuhan kehamilan normal, persalinan secara sectio caesarea berkolaborasi dengan dokter Sp.OG, asuhan nifas dan bayi baru lahir normal, ibu memilih menggunakan KB implan dan dilakukan dengan tetap menaati protokol kesehatan Covid-19.
Simpulan dan saran: Ny. S dan bayinya telah mendapatkan asuhan berkelanjutan dengan keadaan sehat sampai kunjungan berakhir, asuhan kebidanan telah sesuai dengan evidence based yang berlaku, serta telah menaati protokol kesehatan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Instansi kesehatan disarankan tetap mempertahankan kualitas pelayanan dan tenaga kesehatan tetap memfasilitasi penatalaksanaan asuhan kebidanan sesuai evidence based yang berlaku.
Kata kunci: Asuhan Kebidanan, Terintegrasi, Covid-19
Scope: The integrated midwifery care or the continuity of care was extended to Mrs.S from gestation, delivery, post parturition, and neonate to family planning program in accordance with the existing midwifery standard in an attempt to ensure the prosperity of the mother and her infant and detect complications early during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Implementation: The CoC included antenatal care with normal pregnancy, delivery with C-section due to early rupture of membranes (oligohydramnios) indications, postpartum care for normal post parturition, and neonatal care for normal neonate as well as family planning program care by providing the mother with counseling on implant contraceptive for breastfeeding mothers. The implementation of the care referred to the Covid-19 health protocol.
Evaluation: The antenatal postpartum, and neonatal care went on normally. The delivery was done with C-section in collaboration with an obstetrician and gynecologist. The mother chose implant contraceptive for her family planning program. All the care was extended in accordance with the Covid-19 health protocol.
Conclusion and Recommendation: Mrs. S and her infant received the CoC and had a good health condition until the last visit. The CoC was extended in accordance with the existing evidence-based midwifery care and the Covid-19 health protocol. Health institutions are suggested to provide and maintain quality health services, and health workers shall keep facilitating the midwifery care in accordance with the existing evidence-based midwifery care..
Keywords: Integrated midwifery care, Covid-19