

Oleh :
Azizah Diah Wulandari - D0218015 - Fak. ISIP

ABSTRACT Azizah Diah Wulandari. D0218015. 2022. "The Implementation of Behavior Change Communication Strategy in Accelerating Zero Stunting in Surakarta City)." Undergraduate Thesis. Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. Based on data from the Surakarta City Health Office, the prevalence of stunting in Surakarta City was 2.53% in 2019 and increased in 2020 by 0.84% to 3.37%. Meanwhile, in 2021, it fell to 1.70%. The low prevalence of stunting has made the Central BKKBN make Surakarta City a pilot area for the Family Data Collection and Stunting Rate Reduction program (Marwoto, 2021). Despite having a low prevalence of stunting, the Surakarta City Health Office strives to achieve zero stunting and develop a communication strategy for behavior change. Researcher wants to know how the implementation of behavior change communication strategies in accelerating zero stunting carried out by the Surakarta City Health Office is based on organizational communication theory and communication strategies in organizations. The research used Karl Weick's organizational information theory and Hafied Cangara's communication strategy. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research with purposive sampling data collection techniques. The selection of informants is adjusted to three criteria, namely having worked at the Surakarta City Health Office for at least 3 years, participating in the planning and implementation of communication strategies for accelerating zero stunting, and understanding the problem of stunting in Surakarta City. The research was conducted at the Surakarta City Health Office by conducting a documentation study of the document Communication Strategy for Behavior Change in the Acceleration of Zero Stunting in Surakarta City, Central Java and interviewing three informants, two public health extension workers and one nutrition analyst of the Surakarta City Health Office. The validity test of the data used in this study is the triangulation of sources from the results of interviews with public health extension officers and nutrition analysts. For data analysis techniques, it includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Based on the results of the study, the Surakarta City Health Office implemented the communication strategy that has been prepared in the behavior change communication strategy document in accelerating zero stunting in Surakarta City, namely mapping the characteristics and communication approaches to the target, making key messages and conveying messages in accordance with the intended target, and using various media to convey the message. The implementation of this stunting program has only been running for six months so it has not yet reached the evaluation.