
Efektivitas Sistem Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan Berbasis Aplikasi Pandu Online di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Sragen

Oleh :
Tania Qori Azizah - D0118102 - Fak. ISIP

Tania Qori Azizah. D0118102. 2022. The Effectiveness Of Pandu Online Aplication-Based Population Administration Service System In The Department Of Population And Civil Registration in Sragen. Thesis. Department of Public Administration. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.

Public services that are needed by the community in the digital era are fast and can be accessed anywhere without any time and space limitations. Therefore, the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency has innovated population administration services by using the Pandu Online Application, which can be accessed anywhere. The purpose of the enactment of this regulation is to facilitate population administration services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration area of ??Sragen Regency. This study uses 5 (five) aspect to measure effectiveness based on the opinion of Sutrisno (2007), namely as follows: Understanding of the program, right on target, punctuality, achieving goals, and real changes. This study concludes that four effectiveness aspect have been fulfilled for applying the population administration service system program using the Pandu Online application. The indicators for understanding the program have been fulfilled because the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency has carried out socialization and made priority programs for the community during the pandemic. The appropriate targeting indicators were met because the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency provided benefits to the community through the program. The punctuality aspect were not met because in the delivery process it occurred to the Pos Indonesia party who was late in delivery. The program objectives aspect have been achieved because the main objective in the program was to provide population administration services which can be done from all places. The real change aspect has been met because it has provided a change from conventional services, that obligate people to come to the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Sragen Regency office, to online service that is accessible from anywhere.