
The Role of Flouting the Maxims and Conversational Implicature in Supporting the Characterization of Anne Shirley-Cuthbert in Anne With An E Season 1

Oleh :
Nour Anggrahini - B0317032 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This study aims to identify the utterances produced by Anne Shirley-Cuthbert in Anne with an E Season 1 containing flouting the maxims and conversational implicature. The analysis is then used to examine the constructed characterization of the character by also considering the social context (power distance relationship) and movie staging (orientation, complication, evaluation, and resolution) within the series. This study is a qualitative descriptive research that employs sociopragmatics approach. The inductive analysis method is applied by the researcher to examine the data consisting of four procedures, namely domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis. The result shows that the use flouting the maxims and the rise of conversational implicature can lead to the characterization of Anne which is also influenced by the context of situation and movie staging. The characterization differs in each phase of the movie as it can be seen in the matrix of componential analysis.