
Content Analysis on Developed English Textbook for the Fourth Grade Students of an Elementary School in Indonesia

Oleh :
Arum Yuliazari - K2216008 - Fak. KIP

A textbook is fully specified and pre-constructed materials that provide a certain amount of uniformity in what occurs with different teachers and students in many different classes, which serve the interest of accountability. Material development has been rarely discussed, but it is an attractive issue. This can be seen from the deletion of the English course in Elementary School in Indonesia. Material Development is considered as an important skill that every teacher has to master, so teachers have a responsibility to develop material by themselves. This research aims to identify the criteria of good textbook and investigate communicative language classification in the exercises. This is qualitative research with content analysis as the design. The result of this study shows all of the criteria were found in the textbook. It can be seen every theme has represented all of the criteria in good arrangement. The second conclusion was the media that appeared in this textbook are communicative. The textbook provides many visual media to ease the communication between the student and the teacher.