

Oleh :
Nanik Setyawati, S.s. - T111508008 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan peranti appraisal teks iklan kuliner khas Semarang di media internet di tahap perintisan, mendeskripsikan peranti appraisal teks iklan kuliner khas Semarang di media internet di tahap kompetitif, dan mendeskripsikan peranti appraisal teks iklan kuliner khas Semarang di media internet di tahap retentif. Lokasi data dalam penelitian kualitatif ini adalah teks iklan kuliner khas Semarang di media internet, khusus di website. Penentuan sampel secara purposive sampling. Sumber data berasal dari 209 teks (memuat 386 data) yang tersebar pada teks di tahap perintisan, kompetitif, dan retentif. Metode simak dengan teknik dasar berupa teknik sadap dan teknik simak bebas libat cakap sebagai teknik lanjutan dimanfaatkan dalam pengumpulan data. Prosedur analisis data dengan alur analisis model Spradley, yaitu analisis domain, taksonomi, komponensial, dan tema budaya. Di tahap periklanan perintisan ditemukan jenis teks deskripsi dengan struktur yang rapi. Di tahap periklanan kompetitif terdapat teks deskripsi dan teks eksposisi (eksposisi analitis dan eksposisi hortatori). Struktur teks deskripsi dan teks eksposisi analitis terlihat rapi, sedangkan struktur teks eksposisi hortatori kurang begitu rapi. Teks eksposisi analitis dan teks eksposisi hortatori juga terdapat di periklanan retentif dengan struktur yang kurang lengkap (kecenderungan hanya terlihat struktur reiterasi). Hampir di setiap tahap pemasaran terlihat pemanfaatan sistem appraisal pada semua aspek, yaitu attitude, graduation, maupun engagement. Pada aspek attitude di setiap tahapan pemasaran (perintisan, kompetitif, dan retentif) berkecenderungan memperlihatkan pemanfaatan kategori appreciation reaction: quality. Teks eksposisi hortatori di tahap kompetitif berkecenderungan terlihat pemanfaatan kategori irrealis affect, inclination: desire. Di aspek graduation pada semua teks di setiap tahap periklanan berkecenderungan memanfatkan force, intensifiers: raise dan attitudinal lexis; sekalipun kategori focus, sharpen juga terlihat. Begitu pula di aspek engagement pada setiap tahapan pemasaran juga berkecenderungan adanya pemanfaatan kategori monogloss. Kategori heterogloss belum terlihat di tahap perintisan, tetapi sudah terlihat pada teks di tahap kompetitif dan tahap retentif.


The purpose of this study is to describe the assessment text of Semarang's culinary advertisements on the internet at the pioneering stage, to describe the character of the assessment of Semarang's culinary advertisements to the internet at the competitive stage, and to describe the character of the assessment of Semarang's culinary advertisements to the internet in the retention phase. The location of the data in this qualitative research is a typical Semarang culinary advertisement text on the internet, specifically on the website. determination of the sample by purposive sampling. The data sources are from 209 texts (containing 386 data) which are spread over the texts in the pioneering, competitive, and retentive stages. The listening method uses basic techniques in the form of tapping techniques and free-of-conversation listening techniques as an advanced technique of utilization in data collection. The data analysis procedure uses the Spradley model of analysis, namely domain, taxonomy, componential, and cultural themes analysis. In the pioneering advertising stage, descriptive text types were found with a neat structure. At the level of competition, there are descriptive texts and exposition texts (analytical exposition and hortatory exposition). The structure of descriptive text and analytical exposition text looks neat, while the structure of the hortatory exposition text is not so neat. Analytical exposition texts and hortatory exposition texts are also found in retentive advertisements with incomplete structures (there is a tendency to only see reiteration structures). Almost every stage of marketing is seen using the assessment system in all aspects, namely attitudes, graduation, and involvement. In the aspect of attitude at each stage of marketing (pioneering, competitive, and retentive) there is a tendency to use the category of reaction appreciation: quality. The hortatory exposition text at the competitive stage shows the use of the irrealist affect category, inclination: desire. In the aspect of passing all texts at every stage of advertising, there is a tendency to take advantage of forces, intensifiers: raise and attitudinal lexis; even though the focus category, sharpen is also visible. Likewise, in the aspect of involvement at each stage of marketing, the utilization of the monogloss category is also realized. The heterogloss category has not been seen in the pioneering stage, but already in the text at the competitive stage and the visible stage is retentive.