

Oleh :
Tri Setyoningsih - B3119038 - Sekolah Vokasi

The internship report was written following the internship program conducted at Museum Keris Nusantara. The internship program began on 15 February 2022 and finished on 15 April 2022. The purpose of writing the internship report is to describe the activities conducted for two months at Museum Keris Nusantara, particularly in the process of captioning and editing the bilingual kris descriptions. The internship program aims to help Museum Keris Nusantara translate kris descriptions and revise previous bilingual kris descriptions which have some problems. The problem arose during the process, such as unfamiliar kris terminologies from Javanese words. There was also a technical issue, such as the lack of nearby Wi-Fi. Strategies such as researching more references relating to the difficult words and asking the internship supervisor to explain and provide examples about specific terminology were used to solve problems found during the process. Meanwhile, the strategy to overcome the technical issues was using a personal hotspot for the laptop. At the end of the internship program, I was able to produce six new bilingual kris descriptions, 13 revised bilingual kris descriptions, and one promotional video for TV displays at Museum Keris Nusantara. In conclusion, on behalf of my internship partners hope that the results obtained will be properly utilized to promote and increase interest in Museum Keris Nusantara.