
Translating Legal Text Entitled ICOM Code of Ethics for Museum at Museum Batik Danar Hadi Surakarta

Oleh :
Arnetta Amalia Kartika Putri - B3119010 - Sekolah Vokasi

Arnetta Amalia Kartika Putri. 2022. Translating Legal Text Entitled ICOM Code of Ethics for Museum at Museum Batik Danar Hadi Surakarta. English Diploma Program, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret.


This internship report was written based on the internship program conducted at Museum Batik Danar Hadi Surakarta, which started from March 2nd to April 31st, 2022. The objectives of this final report are to explain (1) the process of translating the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, (2) the problems and solutions of translating the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums, (3) the process of re-writing a book entitled Batik Pengaruh Zaman dan Lingkungan. The activities described consisted of two activities namely main activity and additional activities. The main activity was translating a book entitled ICOM Code of Ethics for Museum. Additional activities were guiding, testing, re-writing a book entitled Batik Pengaruh Zaman dan Lingkungan, and doing administrative tasks. I used Nida and Taber’s (1969:33) theory for the translation process. I faced some problems such as uncommon museum terms, long sentences, and specific terminologies of legal text. I used some of Molina and Albir’s translation technique for overcome those problems. Some of them were amplification, established equivalent, and literal translation.