

Oleh :
Margaretha Halim - B0318019 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This research aims to study the occurrence of flouting maxims in an action role-playing game Genshin Impact. The objectives of the research are to identify the types of maxims being flouted by the characters of Genshin Impact game, the strategies employed in flouting the maxims and the reasons behind the occurrence of flouting maxims performed by the characters of Genshin Impact game. The data used in this research were collected from dialogues in the Archon Quest: Prologue: Act I, Prologue: Act II, and Prologue Act III in the game Genshin Impact. The collected data were then listed into the types of flouting maxims and the implicatures behind the utterances. In conducting the research and analyzing the data, the researcher employs descriptive qualitative method using Grice’s theory of Cooperative Principles which contains four maxim types: quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. The results showed that flouting maxim of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner were committed by the characters of Genshin Impact game. All strategies namely overstatement, understatement, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, banter, irrelevance, obscurity, and rhetorical question are employed in the flouting maxims performed by the characters of Genshin Impact game. All illocutionary functions as reasons of flouting maxims namely competitive, convivial, collaborative, and conflictive are used by the characters of Genshin Impact game in performing the flouting maxims. The results also showed that of all the types of flouting maxims, flouting maxim of quantity is performed the most times by the characters of Genshin Impact game. The characters in this game mostly flout the maxim of quantity using overstatement strategy since the conversations in the story are almost always going around the route of asking and giving information which leads the characters into giving too much information than what is required. Lastly, the use of collaborative reason outnumbers the other three reasons due to the lots of asserting, announcing, and reporting statements performed by the characters of Genshin Impact game.