
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kota Layak Anak Modul Konsultasi

Oleh :
Fandy Ahmad Irianto - M3119037 - Sekolah Vokasi

A child-friendly city is an administrative area development system that combines the commitment and resources of the government, the community and the business world in the fulfillment of children's rights in a comprehensive and sustainable way. The city of Surakarta as the winner of the Child Friendly City award for the fourth time has made the city of Surakarta continue to strive to improve the quality of public services, especially services for the rights and needs of children. Therefore, in this study the researchers created an application that aims to help improve the quality of services for the needs and rights of children. There are two main features developed in this application. The first feature, namely consultation, where later the role of the user as the general public can send messages based on the categories that have been provided, which will then be responded to by competent parties, in this case the role of consultant. While the second feature, namely complaints, role users can submit complaints which will later be connected to the dashboard section of the scale application itself. This mobile application is made using the flutter framework and the dart programming language. By combining state management getx and block pinch for easy maintenance, navigation and API integration. Then for the backend itself using laravel as a developer on the server side. Through this application, the public can more easily get information or answers related to the implementation of a child friendly city in Surakarta.