
A Learner's Perspective on Global Englishes Used in ELF Listening Materials: A Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Adelia Putri Puspa Wijaya - K2217004 - Fak. KIP

Adelia Putri Puspa Wijaya. K2217004. A LEARNER’S PERSPECTIVE ON GLOBAL ENGLISHES USED IN EFL LISTENING MATERIALS: A NARRATIVE INQUIRY. A Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. May 2022. Given how significant Global Englishes (GE) is in learners' English education and how often it is used in the listening materials (audios) for students, especially in universities, more in-depth studies related to learners' perspectives are necessary. However, few studies were conducted while selecting college students at a university. The present study aims to obtain a college learner's perspective (point of view, mindset, and attitudes) on Global Englishes used in the intensive listening class and their difficulties while being exposed to it. This study was conducted in one of the universities located in Surakarta, Indonesia. For this narrative inquiry, one student majoring in English Department who had been in the same intensive listening class as the researcher was selected. The methodology chosen for this study was a qualitative method, precisely the narrative inquiry method. The data was collected through three specifically designed narrative frames and an in-depth interview. The narrative data from the study were analyzed by using narrative analysis. The researcher actively interpreted the data precisely as how the participant created the self-narrative and narrative frame. This study obtained an overall positive result related to the implementation of GE in the intensive listening class. The participant was able to share her point of view and mindset while being exposed to GE. Although facing several difficulties, such as strong accents, thicker sounds, and mumbling words, the attitudes that the participant showed during the phenomenon were also positive. However, it is preferable for future scholars to conduct research with similar topic as the present study to include a larger sample of Indonesian learners. This needs to be done in order to gather a broader range of learners’ perspectives on GE used in the EFL listening materials. Although facing several difficulties, the attitudes that the participant showed during the phenomenon were also positive.