ABSTRACT Arvininta Amarinda. R0319008. INTEGRATED MIDWIFERY CARE ON Mrs. W AGED 29 YEARS OLD AT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER OF SETABELAN, SURAKARTA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Associate’s Degree Program in Midwifery, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2022. Scope: The integrated midwifery care or the continuity of care (CoC) was extented to Mrs. W from gestation, delivery postparturition,and neonate to family planning program in an attempt to ensure the welfare of the mother and her infant and detect complications early. Implementation: The CoC was done for six months. The antenatal care was extended in accordance with the mother’s need to deal with incovenience encountered in Trimester III. The delivery was done with C-section due to the indications of cloudy amniotic fluid and calcification of the placenta. The postpartum care was extended in accordance with the suturing pain experienced by the mother. The neonatal care went on normally. The mother was given counseling on the side effects of implant. Evaluation: During the antenatal care, the mother was found to have mild anemia. The delivery was done with C-section due to the indications of cloudy amniotic fluid and calcification of the placenta. The postpartum and neonatal care went on normally. The mother chose implant contracceptive after the delivery for her family planning program. Conclusion and Reccommendation: Mrs. W and her infant received the CoC and had good health conditions up to the last visit. However, there was gap in which early breastfeeding initiation was not performed. Thus, health institutions and workers are expected the extend the evidence-based CoC.