
Audiences’ Responses On Twitter To Mulan’s Superpower In Disney’s Live-action Movie Mulan (2020)

Oleh :
Winda Nur Pratiwi - B0317049 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Mulan (2020) is a female action hero movie produced by Walt Disney Production. Mulan, the protagonist, is represented as a woman who possesses a superpower called chi. This representation sparked heated discussion among its audiences. Many audiences expressed their opinions on this issue through Twitter. This research is an audience analysis to examine how the audience responded on Twitter to the superpower addition and the meaning of the responses to the action hero representation. The data were the audiences’ opinions taken from the tweets
found on Twitter. Reviews on several websites were also taken as secondary data to further strengthen the findings. This research is American Studies qualitative research. The data were analyzed by applying Feminist theory, and Monomyth or Hero’s Journey theory. This research found that the majority of Mulan’s audience
opposed the idea of giving Mulan a superpower, while less than 20% of the audience agreed or negotiated with it. From those results, this research further discovered that the audiences need an action hero who can resonate with them. They seek a representation of a regular woman who can be great through her hard work
and determination in Hollywood movies.