This study aims to analyze the character of consumers and fruit traders in the city of Surakarta and analyze the factors that affect the decision to buy fresh fruit in the city of Surakarta. The basic method of research is descriptive method of analysis and regression analysis. Location determination is done purposively or deliberately on consideration can represent fruit stalls in Surakarta. The research locations are at Supi Fruit Kiosk in Banjarsari Subdistrict, Srikandi Fruit Palace in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Bu Ani Fruit Kiosk in Serengan Subdistrict, Sumber Rezeki Fruit Kiosk in Jebres Subdistrict, and Berkah Jaya Buah in Laweyan Subdistrict with 100 respondents. The type of data used is primary data, namely research questionnaires. Which is the decision to purchase all fresh fruit services as dependent variables and factors the quality of fresh fruit, price, location, and promotion as independent variables. Instrument testing and data analysis using (1) Validity Test (2) Reliability Test (3) Multiple Regression Analysis (4) Determination Coefficient. The results showed that in the validity test of the statements present on each variable all items are valid and the reliability test on all question items asked to respondents are all reliable. Based on the t test of each variable fruit quality, price, and location is significant or affects the decision to purchase fresh fruit unless the promotion is not significant. Based on the coefficient of determination of fruit quality, price, location, and promotion has 42.1 % influence on the decision to purchase fresh fruit in the city of Surakarta.