0.05.Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the type of arcus pedis and jump power where the normal type of arcus pedis can provide better jump power performance than the type of cavus foot. There was no significant difference between the types of arcus pedis and agility.Keywords:  Arcus Pedis, Agility, Jump Power, Volleyball, Teenagers  " /> Abstrak | Perbedaan Performa Agility dan Jump Power pada Tipe Arcus Pedis Atlet Bola Voli Putri 0.05.Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the type of arcus pedis and jump power where the normal type of arcus pedis can provide better jump power performance than the type of cavus foot. There was no significant difference between the types of arcus pedis and agility.Keywords:  Arcus Pedis, Agility, Jump Power, Volleyball, Teenagers  " />


Perbedaan Performa Agility dan Jump Power pada Tipe Arcus Pedis Atlet Bola Voli Putri

Oleh :
Muhammad Khoirul Farid - G0019140 - Fak. Kedokteran

Muhammad Khoirul Farid, G0019140, 2023. “Perbedaan Performa Agility dan Jump Power pada Tipe Arcus Pedis Atlet Bola Voli Putri”. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.
Latar Belakang: Permainan bola voli membutuhkan kekuatan melompat (jump power) serta kelincahan (agility) yang dapat mempengaruhi performa atlet. Pada saat melakukan lompatan serta gerakan dengan kelincahan diperlukan sebuah sistem untuk menjaga keseimbangan tubuh serta gaya pegas. Arcus pedis memiliki fungsi sebagai gaya pegas serta menjaga keseimbangan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat perbedaan tipe arcus pedis dengan agility dan jump power.  
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling didapatkan 33 pemain bola voli GOR Diponegoro tahun 2022 diteliti pada penelitian ini. Arcus pedis diukur menggunakan Clarke’s angle, pengukuran agility mengunakan metode t-test dan jump power menggunakan metode vertical jump. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode One-Way Anova serta Post Hoc HSD
Hasil: Tipe arcus pedis dapat mempengaruhi performa jump power secara signifikan dengan p < 0> 0,05.
Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tipe arcus pedis dengan jump power dimana tipe arcus pedis normal dapat memberikan performa jump power yang baik dibandingkan cavus foot. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tipe arcus pedis dengan agility. 
Kata Kunci:  Arcus Pedis, Agility, Jump Power, Bola Voli, Remaja

Muhammad Khoirul Farid, G0019140, 2023. "DIFFERENCES OF AGILITY AND JUMP POWER PERFORMANCE IN WOMEN VOLLEYBALL ATHLETES ARCUS PEDIS TYPES". Mini-Thesis. Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
Introduction: Volleyball requires jump power and agility which can affect the athlete's performance. When jumping and moving with agility, a system is needed to maintain body balance and spring force. Arcus pedis has a function as a spring force and maintains body balance. This study aims to see whether there are differences in the types of arcus pedis with agility and jump power.
Methods: This research is an analytic observational study with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique using total sampling obtained 33 volleyball players at the 2022 Diponegoro Sports Hall were studied in this study. Arcus pedis was measured using Clarke's angle, agility measurement using the t-test method and jump power using the vertical jump method. Data were analyzed using One-Way Anova and Post Hoc HSD methods
Results: The type of arcus pedis can affect jump power performance significantly with p < 0> 0.05.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference between the type of arcus pedis and jump power where the normal type of arcus pedis can provide better jump power performance than the type of cavus foot. There was no significant difference between the types of arcus pedis and agility.
Keywords:  Arcus Pedis, Agility, Jump Power, Volleyball, Teenagers