Pelaksanaan program asuransi rawat inap dan pembedahan dari asuransi jiwa bersama (ajb) bumiputera 1912 kantor cabang asuransi kumpulan Surakarta
Oleh :
Eka Priastuti - D1506075 - Fak. ISIP
Mutual life insurance Company Bumiputera 1912 Branch Office of Surakarta is the oldest mutual life insurance Company experienced during 97 years. Mutual life insurance Company have many commercial product. One of them is Rawat Inap dan Pembedahan Insurance, which called as ARIP. Rawat Inap dan Pembedahan Insurance is one kinds of health insurance which gives the benefit for insurance members such as fee replacement of rawat inap dan pembedahan at hospital caused by the illness and accident.
This final report is aimed to know the realization of rawat inap dan pembedahan insurance at mutual life insurance Company Bumiputera 1912 Branch Office of Surakarta. In this research, the researcher uses descriptive and qualitative method where the researcher collects the data, doing observation, interviewing and making documentation.
The realization of rawat inap dan pembedahan insurance at mutual life insurance Company Bumiputera 1912 Branch Office of Surakarta is 1. First procedure, a. filling proposal, b. completing data of the member, c. Filling the blanko of healthy pronouncement for the members above 51 years old, d. Paying the premi, e. Encoding the data of the members in book voucher, f. Making the replay, g. Entry the data of members, h. Send the data to the Jakarta office centre, i. Print the policy, j. Send the policy to the branch office, k. Write the policy number in the branch office, l. Send the policy to the members. 2. The period of rawat inap dan pembedahan insurance, a. Start from the first date of the policy printing and premi payment, b. The member has cpmleting the rule and the requirement of the mutual life insurance Company Bumiputra 1912, c. For the worker or the officer in the company, the insurance can be used since the member addition letter is agreed by mutual life insurance Company Bumiputera 1912, d. For the workers or officers who absent, the insurance can be used when they back to work. 3. Making the claim: a. Informing the policy members, b. Making the claim, c. Writing the claim and checking the data file, d. Counting the claim, e. Making the claim payment letter and claim note, f. Send it to the policy holder, g. Policy holder give it to members.