

Pre-service Teacher’s Self-efficacy in Technology Integration of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in English Language Teaching: A Case Study

Oleh :
Nito Majid Mujtahid - S891908018 - Fak. KIP

Nito Majid Mujtahid. S891908018. Pre-service Teacher’s Self-efficacy in Technology
Integration of Computer-Assisted Language Learning in English Language Teaching:
A Case Study. A Master Degree’s Thesis. Consultant I: Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd. Consultant
II: Dr. Slamet Supriyadi, M. Pd. Department of English Education, Teacher Training
and Education Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Surakarta. 2022
Self-efficacy is one of the factors that influence pre-service teachers’ readiness
to teach English, especially by using technology in online learning. The aims of this
study are: (1) To find out how the sources of self-efficacy influence pre-service teachers
in integrating technology into teaching. (2) To identify how pre-service teachers’
strategies are to increase their self-efficacy in integrating technology into teaching.
This study used a case study that consists of 28 participants of pre-service
English teachers. Open-ended questionnaires (28 participants), structured interview,
and in-depth interviews (6 participants through purposive sampling 3 males and 3
females) were employed to collect the data. The data were analyzed using Miles,
Huberman, and Shaldana’s model which included data collection, data condensation,
data display, and conclusion.
This study found how the source of self-efficacy influences pre-service teachers
in integrating technology in teaching practice by receiving experience from selfdirected learning and faculty’s program; observing the role model; reflecting various
feedback including technology, content, and pedagogy; and managing emotional and
physiological state, and how the pre-service teachers integrate technology into an
online classroom through three strategies, as follows: teaching preparation for online
learning; teaching practice in the online classroom; and teaching conditions in an
online environment. The exposure of those strategies positively affected pre-service
teachers’ self-efficacy. They become more confident in teaching online.
Finally, the study recommends covering a wider area and more participants to
gain more insight and more information about how sources of self-efficacy can
influence the use of technology in online classes or on other platforms, such as mobileassisted language learning (MALL) and virtual environment in English Language
Teaching (ELT) or Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE).