LOVELINA CECILIA DOS SANTOS LOPES. B0318049. 2022. Code Mixing Perform in Master Chef Indonesia Season 8 Episodes 1-2. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Supervisor: Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D.
This research aims to Analyze the types of code mixing and the factors that influence code mixing by the judges of MasterChef Indonesia Season 8 Episode 1-2. This research is descriptive qualitative research as the data collected in the form of utterances. This research applied a descriptive qualitative research as the data collected in the form of utterances.
The result of this research shows that there are three types of code mixing found in the data. The first one is insertion (47 data), alternation (47 data), and congruent lexicalization (6 data). Meanwhile there are three reasons of code mixing found in the data. The code mixing reason from the least to the most frequent are participant roles and relationship with 2 data, situational reason with 31 data, and message-intrinsic factors with 67 data.
Furthermore, the result of this research can be used as reference for the further research to analyze code mixing conversation. Since this research analyze the types and the factor that influence code mixing, it would be better by using another methods that can be used for the code mixing research, it can be from discourse analysis, direct interview or also from a conversational analysis by using ethnography. Additionally, it is suggested for the next researcher to have more knowledge about code mixing and explore many references related to the code mixing theories.
Keyword: code mixing, types of code mixing, factor of code mixing