

Oleh :
Hikam Yanwar Pradana - G0019094 - Fak. Kedokteran

Pendahuluan: Prestasi olahraga bola voli dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya adalah morfologi atlet Somatotype yang terbagi dalam ectomorphy dan mesomorphy. Komponen gerakan penting pada atlit voli meliputi vertikal jump dan Agility. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Somatotype (ectomorphy dan mesomorphy) dengan tinggi Vertical Jump dan Agility pada pemain voli.

Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan potong melintang. Subjek berasal dari pemain voli Rajawali Bantul. Total sampel penelitian 34 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sampel yang sudah ditentukan selanjutnya diukur nilai antropometrinya dan dikelompokkan kedalam type Somatotype yaitu ectomorphy atau mesomorphy menggunakan somatochart, kemudian dibandingkan dengan nilai Vertical Jump dan Agility. Hasil data yang diperoleh dianalisis persebaran data dengan Uji Normalitas Shapiro-Wilk dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Somatotype dengan Vertical Jump dan Agility  menggunakan Uji T.

Hasil: Penelitian ini didapatkan 34 sampel, berdasarkan nilai antropometrinya 24 (27%) ektomorphy dan 10 (29%) mesomorphy. Pada kelompok ektomorphy rata-rata nilai Vertical Jump didapatkan 61.21±8.03 cm dan pada kelompok mesomorphy rata-rata nilai Vertical Jump didapatkan 61.87±7.96 cm, sedangkan rata-rata nilai agility kelompok ectomorphy 12.22±0.82 s. dan rata-rata nilai agility pada kelompok mesomorphy 12.44±0.77 s. Uji T menunjukan tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan antara Somatotype dengan Vertical Jump (p = 0.833) dan Agility (p = 0.476).

Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Somatotype pemain voli Rajawali Bantul dengan tinggi Vertical Jump dan Agility. Hal ini dapat disebabkan faktor lain, salah satunya muscle explosion, lebih berpengaruh pada VJ dan agility.

Kata kunci: Somatotype, ectomorphy, mesomorphy, vertical jump, Agility.



Introduction: The achievement of the sport of volleyball is influenced by various factors, one of which is the morphology of Somatotype athletes, which are divided into ectomorphy and mesomorphy. Important movement components in volleyball athletes include Vertical Jump and Agility. This study aims to determine the association between Somatotype (ectomorphy and mesomorphy) with Vertical Jump height and Agility in volleyball players. 

Method: This research is an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The subject came from the Rajawali Bantul volleyball player. A total of 34 research samples met the inclusion criteria. The determined sample is then measured for its anthropometric value and reduced to a Somatotype type, namely ectomorphy or mesomorphy using somatochart, then compared with the Vertical Jump and Agility values. The results of the data obtained were analyzed for the distribution of data with the Normality Test Shapiro-Wilk and to find out the difference between Somatotype and Vertical Jump and Agility using the T-test.

Results: This study obtained 34 samples, based on their anthropometric values, 24 (27%) were ectomorphic and 10 (29%) were mesomorphic. In the ectomorphy group the average Vertical Jump value was 61.21 ± 8.03 cm and in the mesomorphy group the average Vertical Jump value was 61.87 ± 7.96 cm, while the average agility value for the ectomorphy group was 12.22 ± 0.82 s. and the average agility value in the mesomorphy group was 12.44 ± 0.77 s. T-test showed no significant difference between Somatotype and Vertical Jump (p = 0.833) and Agility (p = 0.476). This can be caused by other factors, one of which is muscle explosion, which has a greater effect on VJ and agility.

Conclusion: There is no significant association between the Somatotype of the Bantul Rajawali volley player and the Vertical Jump height and Agility.

Keywords: Somatotype, ectomorphy, mesomorphy, vertical jump, Agility.