

Upaya Pengelolaan Lahan Untuk Pengendalian Erosi dan Peningkatan Cadangan Karbon Di Kecamatan Ngargoyoso Kabupaten Karanganyar

Oleh :
Purwo Edi Minarno - A131708008 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Purwo Edi Minarno. A131708008. Land Management Efforts for Erosion Control and Increasing Carbon Stocks. Supervised by Suntoro and Komariah.

Land erosion has very important ecological and economic consequences, such as surface erosion causing the depletion of the topsoil which results in decreased land productivity and increased sediment load. Until now, erosion and sedimentation are still a serious threat to the sustainability of agricultural land. The current agricultural concept that has been proclaimed by the local government is sustainable agricultural land.

The research objectives are: (1) to determine the level of land erosion hazard and the amount of carbon stock; (2) to determine the relationship between the level of land erosion hazard with the amount of carbon stock in Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency; (3) and develop sustainable land management efforts. Methods of data collection by surveis and laboratory tests with unit analysis of land units. Methods Analysis of erosion calculation data with USLE and carbon stocks with allometric equations.

The results of the study: (1) The level of land erosion hazard from light to very heavy class and the amount of carbon stock is 38,821.15 Ton/Ha; (2) the relationship between the level of land erosion hazard and the amount of carbon stock is not significant; (3) sustainable land management efforts are compiled to produce vegetation recommendations with an area function approach and forms of crop management in each land unit.