

Oleh :
Kartika Sofiyanti - B0318018 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Kartika Sofiyanti. B0318018. Translation Analysis of Phatic Expressions in the Series Entitled “Cek Toko Sebelah: Babak Baru”. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret. 2023.

This research aims to: (1) identify and classify the phatic expressions found in Cek Toko Sebelah: Babak Baru; (2) identify translation techniques used to translate the phatic expressions; (3) examine the shift in forms of phatic expressions; and (4) assess the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability, also identify the impact of the translation techniques used to the quality.

This research is qualitative descriptive research. The data are Indonesian phatic expressions in the subtitle of Cek Toko Sebelah: Babak Baru episode 1 – 4, in the form of Indonesian and English subtitles, and the results of translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability collected from raters. The researcher collected the data using the content analysis method, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and a table questionnaire.

The results show 210 data of phatic expressions in the series. The analysis of phatic expressions forms shows that there are three forms of phatic expressions: particles, words, and phrases. There are four translation techniques used in translating phatic expressions, they are: (1) Deletion; (2) Established Equivalent; (3) Modulation; and (4) Paraphrase. Furthermore, the overall translation quality score is 1.7 and is considered a less accurate and less acceptable translation. It is because most phatic expressions from the source text are deleted. It makes the translations less accurate because the main function of phatic expressions, that is, to maintain the social relationship, is deleted. The translation is also categorized as less acceptable since the relationship between the speakers is shifted. The result also revealed that translated techniques have impacts on translation quality. Thus, translators should consider the most appropriate technique for the source text.