
Investigating University Students’ Engagement During Emergency Remote Teaching in EFL Classroom

Oleh :
Rahma Ainun Hanifah - K2217065 - Fak. KIP

Amidst Covid-19, teachers and students in many regions are forced to shift to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). This ERT context has attracted researchers to re-investigate dimensions of teaching and learning within this new situation. This paper reports an investigation on the students’ engagement during  ERT in a tertiary EFL setting. Two aspects are highlighted: description of the students’ engagement and its interplay with the choice of teaching-learning platforms.
Questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis were used to collect data. This study used a combination of descriptive statistics and a thematic model of analysis. The total respondents of this study were five EFL students in the 6th-grade semester at a university in Surakarta. The researcher employed a case study methodology and used two data, primary data, and secondary data. For the primary data, the researcher used the result of interviews and questionnaires. Secondary data is research data that has previously been gathered and can be accessed by researchers. The secondary data of this study is document in the form of artifact that is made by the students during final assignment.
The study revealed that all three kinds of engagement: cognitive, behavioral, and emotional occurred in this study, in both high and low bandwidth platforms. This implies that there is another factor other than technology that plays a significant role in engaging the students to learn. Considering the cost and the infrastructure readiness, it is suggested that teachers focus on implementing the principles of good teaching instead of glorifying the use of sophisticated technology. In terms of technology use, it is recommended to choose the one that provides better accessibility and wider access for the students.

Keywords: Digital platform, EFL, ERT, students’ engagement.