Penulis Utama : Rizko Putra Pradana
NIM / NIP : S962108013

The Effect of Educational Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV among Health Care Workers in a Tertiary Hospital, Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center

Author: Rizko Putra Pradana1, Wachid Putranto2, Narcisa C Comia3, Randy Paul Esmero3, Jaimee Montoya3


Each day, there a thousand of healthcare workers around the world, suffer accidental occupational exposures during their duty of caring patient, whether HIV positive, or negative patient. Those can result in a variety of serious and distressing consequences from extreme anxiety to chronic illness, and premature death for the individual involved. Post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV is a medical response given to prevent the transmission of blood-borne pathogens following a potential exposure to HIV. Post-exposure prophylaxis, is currently the only way of reducing risk of development of HIV infection, in an individual who has been exposed to the virus, and widely considered to be an integral part of the overall strategy for preventing the transmission of HIV. Studies done in another country shows that the level of practicing PEP is still low. Hence the knowledge regarding post exposure prophylaxis is important for this phase.

            This study had a general object to assess the effect of Educational Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice towards Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV among Healthcare workers in Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center. Howeverm due to limited time, hence we did not asses the Practice of respondents towards PEP of HIV after Educational Intervention. This study used a quasi-experiment study, and t2 test to compare result of knowledge and attitude before and after educational intervention.

This study revealed that the level of knowledge among Healthcare workers (HCW’s) here in OMMC is still low (31%), even that there is already an educational intervention that given to them during the study (49?ter). There was still many misconception regarding the indication of PEP, time to take PEP, also the effectiveness of PEP of HIV. The educational intervention that done was significant to increase level of the knowledge and attitude among HCW’s here in OMMC since it has p-value of < 0>

            However, even that the level of knowledge among HCW’s here in OMMC is still low, we observed a favorable attitude towards PEP of HIV. a large proportion (77.7%) showed a good belief towards PEP of HIV, and even more of them (92.8%) after educational intervention. The level of Practice revealed very low since there was no one ever practiced PEP of HIV here in Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center. The most common reason of not taking PEP after had an exposure of HIV is not knowing how to get PEP.

Penulis Utama : Rizko Putra Pradana
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S962108013
Tahun : 2023
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Fak. Kedokteran - 2023
Program Studi : PPDS Ilmu Penyakit Dalam
Kolasi :
Sumber :
Kata Kunci : HIV, KAP, Healthcare workers, Questionnaire, Post Exposure Prophylaxis, Educational.
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : http://-
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. dr. Wachid Putranto, SpPD-KGH, FINASIM
Penguji : 1. Dr. dr. Triyanta Yuli PRamana, SpPD, K-GEH, FINASIM
Catatan Umum : -
Fakultas : Fak. Kedokteran
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