Pengaruh minat masuk program studi terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa program studi kebidanan Magelang
Penulis Utama
Wiwin Renny Rahmawati
The aim of this research is to describe the interest in enrolling the Non-Degree program of Midwifery, to know the influence of interest toward the achievement, and to find other significant aspects toward the student’ achievement.
The method of research was analytical with case control studies, located in Magelang Midwifery program. The population of this study was 80 students of 2007 / 2008 in Magelang Midwifery program, who were doing their 1 st grade in the 2 nd term. The samples, from 56 students, were taken by the use of purposive sampling method, based on the determinaed characteristics and attitudes. The questionnaires were used to get the data, which were valid and reliable with r significant in < 0,05. Meanwhile, the data of students’ achievement was done trought the documentation method. The data are analyzed through the documentation method. The data are analyzed through t-test and double regression, in SPSS program.
The result of the research from 56 respondents showed that there were 27 student had low interest, with the lowest GPA 2,43 and the highest 3,53. Meanwhile there were 29 students with high interest toward their studies, that their lowest GPA was 2,37 and the highest was 3,72. The result of t-test showed t-rate -3,616 with 0,001 significance. As the significance scored 0,001 less than alpha rate 0,05, the t-rate was significant. Whereas the result of holistic regression showed the the fact that the interest had 0,000 less significant than the 0,05 rate of significance. The other variables, i.e the location and allowances, showed the significance of 0,929 and 0,336. Since both variable have higher than 0,05, we can conclude that the most influential aspect toward the students’ achievement is interest, while the alloances and location don’t have any influential factors toward the achievement of the students.
Key words : Interest, allowances, location, achievement
Penulis Utama
Wiwin Renny Rahmawati
Penulis Tambahan
Pengaruh minat masuk program studi terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa program studi kebidanan Magelang