Penulis Utama : Diyah Pramawati
NIM / NIP : F3206118
× ABSTRAK The objective of research is to find out and to analyze how far the consumer’s trust on the Coca Cola brand. This research was done to the students of Diploma III of Economy Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. The methods of collecting data employed were interview, observation, as well as questionnaire. Interview was done during the apprenticeship time in PT. COCA COLA BOTTLING INDONESIA CENTRAL JAVA. The population of research was the students of Economy Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. The sample taken was the students of Diploma III of Economy Faculty of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University who ever buy Coca Cola at least twice, as many as 100 respondents, using the convenience sampling method. The discussion method employed was a descriptive analysis in which the consumer’s trust on brand is measured through two dimensions: brand reliability and brand intention. The measurement scale used was five-point Likert scale that is used to measure the consumer’s trust on the Coca Cola brand. The result of research shows that majority respondents state that they trust on Coca Cola brand. The conclusion of final project is that although majority trust on, but only at small percentages: 66% for brand reliability and 59% for brand intention. The writer’s recommendation is that it is expected for the Coca Cola brand to maximize the consumer’s trust in order to survive in the competition and to get the good brand position in the consumer’s mind.