Penulis Utama | : | Weninggar Galih Prastiti |
NIM / NIP | : | K2218077 |
In order to develop teachers' professional competence, pre-service English language teachers must participate in teaching practicum. However during the Covid-19 pandemic, online teaching practicum must be conducted following the government's online learning policy. Pre-service teachers may face challenges in the form of making lesson plan and implementing it. Therefore, this paper explored the English pre-service teachers in implementing lesson plan during this pandemic era. It focuses on revealing the implementation of lesson plan during the pandemic teaching practicum; pre-service English teacher’s obstacles in implementing lesson plan during the pandemic teaching practicum; and if the execution of the learning activity is in accordance with what has been planned. To investigate this issue, interviews and document analysis were deployed as the data collection method in the case study.The finding of this study reveals the implementation of lesson by analyzing each component that there are several appropriate implementation of lesson plan components and there are several mismatches components toward the implementation. Primarily it is due to the obstacles encountered while implementing online teaching. Despite successfully executing essential components such as class, subject matter, teaching materials, basic competence, teaching media, and learning resources, pre-service teachers faced challenges in fully implementing time allocation, learning objectives, teaching methods, teaching steps, students' worksheets, and assessment components.
Penulis Utama | : | Weninggar Galih Prastiti |
Penulis Tambahan | : | - |
NIM / NIP | : | K2218077 |
Tahun | : | 2023 |
Judul | : | The Experience of Pre-Service English Language Teachers in Implementing Lesson Plan based on Discovery Learning during Pandemic Teaching Practicum |
Edisi | : | |
Imprint | : | Surakarta - Fak. KIP - 2023 |
Program Studi | : | S-1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
Kolasi | : | |
Sumber | : | |
Kata Kunci | : | discovery learning; lesson plan; online learning; pre-service teacher; pandemic; teaching practicum |
Jenis Dokumen | : | Skripsi |
ISSN | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Link DOI / Jurnal | : | - |
Status | : | Public |
Pembimbing | : |
1. Drs. Martono, M.A 2. Dewi Cahyaningrum, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
Penguji | : |
1. Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati, M.Pd. 2. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. |
Catatan Umum | : | |
Fakultas | : | Fak. KIP |
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